Thursday, September 3, 2009

congratulations are in order...

... i've finally gotten the hint- i'm through begging and begging for shows- congratulations to all of the discouraging booking agents, the talking crowds and the special elite high school-like society that exists in every tier of the music world. you've all won! i can't handle the rejection anymore. i might make an effort to book one more show this year, if any of the colleges we just sent fliers to respond (which i don't anticipate this happening at all) then i'll attempt to flesh out a tour for march, i'll go ahead and flush $25 down the drain and apply at sxsw again, but after all of that i'm basically just going to try to get the new record out (at least digitally) and then work on another record. beyond that i don't have any plans to continue begging and begging and begging and begging and begging and begging and begging and doing what everyone says i'm supposed to do (that NEVER works btw) in order to play local shows. if anyone out there thinks they can prove me wrong then, by all means, i'll send you our press materials and links and YOU can do all of the begging and networking and wade through all of the high-school-mentality dreck. i would love nothing more than to be proven wrong. any takers?! i didn't think so. over and out...

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