just in case you aren't a hopeless cure obsessive like myself, today is robert smith's 52nd (!!!) birthday. traditionally i would take a week from my music listening of the moment and listen to the entire cure discography including a pretty vast library of live bootlegs and b-sides that i had access to. once i was no longer a delivery driver for pizza hut this became a bit too great of a task to accomplish over the years. this year i've opted for something a bit different and made a mix of my favourite bootleg performances from this previously mentioned vast library. the title i figured out five minutes ago? 'faded wishes.' i know, too perfect, right? i was going to go for some kind of medication-type reference, but since most of these performances are more than 11 years old now i figured it might be more fitting. plus 'lost wishes' was already taken (speaking of which where the hell is that 'wish' reissue mr. smith?!). it fits on a single cd (something i've never been capable of before) and i'm pretty damned proud of it. the tracks are culled almost exclusively from the cure's salad days.
song- source- tour
1. plainsong- dallas, texas soundboard- prayer tour
2. the big hand- london, uk t&c2 club 'play out' video- 1991
3. like cockatoos- birmingham, uk 'difficult to cure' soundboard- kissing tour
4. other voices- werchter festival, belgium soundboard- picture tour
5. the drowning man- paris, france 'm' soundboard- fourteen explicit moments tour
6. in your house- kilburn, london xfm broadcast soundboard- pre-wish tour
7. m- same source as above
8. a strange day- same source as 'the big hand'
9. if only tonight we could sleep- same source as 'like cockatoos'
10. jupiter crash- st. louis, missouri audience recording- dream tour (i was present at this show)
11. a letter to elise- mtv unplugged 'play out' video- 1991
12. to wish impossible things- earl's court, london audience recording- wish tour
13. the figurehead- frankfurt, germany soundboard- prayer tour
14. the same deep water as you- same source as 'plainsong'
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